Tracking package versions with renv


The problem renv tries to solve

dplyr 0.5.0 introduced a breaking change to distinct() in June 2016. Source:

renv workflow

  1. Initialize renv for a project with renv::init()
  2. Track renv.lock in version control
  3. renv::snapshot() to update the lockfile
  4. renv::restore() to install local copies of the packages to match the lockfile

Example: Reproducing the analysis of Hicks and Lobato (2022)

  1. Bring up the paper:
  2. Fork and clone the repo:
  3. Wrong version of R?
    • Install rig
    • [TODO: download R 4.1.2]
  4. renv::restore()
  5. Open scripts/03_dag.R and run or knit
  6. Compare out/03_part_values.png to figure 2 of the paper
  7. Compare out/03_bc_tbl.pdf with table 2 in the paper

How R locates packages

[1] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-x86_64/Resources/library"

In your EDA

  • Check .libPaths()
  • renv::init() (and snapshot()?)
  • What did this do?
    • .libPaths()
    • git status
